Saturday, February 14, 2009

Must Vent!

I have struggled with the file all evening and feeling like I am at WORK! I had to make decisions about processes that I am not sure will work. Oh, the artist... I know she will manage to make something work.

I want to reproduce the Photoshop file on canvas at Fedex Office, the banner department. I used to do banners for the Yutes. I did take in a whopping big file that crashed their computer. I get these phone calls. You crashed the computer! Anyway. They only accept pdf's so that will reduce the size some.

I may or may not work on top of the canvas. I may leave the art as is. I will also reproduce the artwork on the amazing Canon copier at work. The material we produce looks like photos. Very cool on different type papers. Oh paper that is a whole other thing. I want to try several. So this art is not done yet.

As for my friend John* my week was such that I could not speak to him much. However I have decided to make him a smaller copy of the art and give it to him with my artist statement and some more. He will mention it to me. So I pray for more conversations with him. He is an astronomer and gave me a card at Christmas that he made from photos made from a telescope of the universe. AMAZING. And he doesn't believe in God.

My 100 word ar less statement:

“The Embrace” captures the moment of reunion between the father and the son. It expresses in story form the lovingkindness of the Father as He receives us His wayward children back home nothing short of full reconciliation. The son asks for forgiveness, the father restores his rights as a son and in honor of his return calls for celebration.

The figures form a triangle as the two embrace. The Trinity is pictured; the Father, the Son and the relationship between the two depicted as an embrace representing the Spirit of God.

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