Thursday, February 19, 2009

Gallery class or really gallery management class

Last night Greg lectured about venues; all the place a person can exhibit and how they are organized. It was really mind boggling. He gave us the scoop on what is happening in Dallas. Saturday we are going gallery hopping.

We have to fill out a sheet on each gallery observing different aspects of “the business.”

On a personal note, I am such a fish out of the water. Older undergrad among young undergrads. An undergrad among older graduate students. My task Saturday will be to make some connections with my classmates. We will see how that goes.

It helps because I know my instructor respects me as an artist even though I am a believer. That makes me not fit in also. I try to look at my time at UTD as being on the mission field.

We will, see what God can do with it.

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