Friday, February 13, 2009

Artist Statement (long version)

The Prodigal Son: The Embrace
Luke 15:20

So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.

The first movement in the story is the son’s return motivated by the realization of his need brought on by squalid living. When the son’s outer reality begins to match the inner reality of his abandoned lifestyle the son comes to his senses.

He recalls the character of his father whom he has rejected by asking for his inheritance before the father’s death. This is akin to telling the father, “I wish you were dead.” He knows his father will treat him better as a servant than the foreigners he serves treat him as a hired hand. He gets up and returns home.

The second movement in the story is that of the father who has not lost hope but expectantly waits for the son’s return. When seeing his son’s from a distance he runs to him, throws his arms around him and kisses him.

The mixed media piece is called The Embrace. The work captures the moment of reunion; father to son. It expresses in story form the lovingkindness of the Father as He receives us His wayward children back home nothing short of full reconciliation. The son asks for forgiveness, the father restores his rights as a son and in honor of his return calls for celebration.

The figures form a triangle as the two embrace. The Trinity is pictured; the Father, the Son and the relationship between the two depicted as an embrace representing the Spirit of God.

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