Monday, January 26, 2009

Putting the Pencil to the Paper

Putting the pencil to the paper isn't as easy as it seems. I decided to write for 3 hours and draw for 3 hours. I messed a round, then wrote for 4 hours. Then I messed around and drew for an hour and a half, but I didn't want to stop.

It takes forever to get going, but now I am set up. I have a set of drawing pencils, a white eraser, an eraser guard, a brush to deal with stray graphite, tape, my favorite drawing board, reference photos, a pencil sharpener and the computer, headphones and itunes.

This only took me 30 minutes and 5 trips to the garage where I have the best place to paint. It is full of art ready to be finished. It will be someday. I am glad I have part of a hand done that when I showed it to Scott, he said, "cool."

The Artist in full bloom and all the weirdness that goes with it.

I have so much to write, it is scribbled on pieces of paper all over my room and in my head and it will only get worse while I draw.

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