Thursday, January 22, 2009

More Thought on the Prodigal Son and the Good Samaritan

I have a lot on my mind, but this is the second week of school and I am tired. So I want to go to bed and I want to write. I might not make any sense.

I couldn't think of anyone better to model with Scott as the Father in the Prodigal Son than my pastor Dave Jobe. There are several things he has said in sermons that have stuck with me and have become a part of me, I hope. Last year when he talked about getting back in the game and this year when he talked about believers needing to enlarge their defintions of family. I think personally both these statements deal with the themes in the Prodigal Son and the Good Samaritan.

I am particularly attracted to the story about the Prodigal Son and I think the photos we did are strong images. Tonight when I left my art lecture class I was so full of thoughts and connections I had a clear vision of where the art needs to go. I realize I struggle with seeing God as loving as I am going to portray Him as in the Embrace. I started to see how I box Him in and want to contain Him. Then I thought of the crates or boxes that homeless people sleep in and I decided I want both the pieces framed in a photo of a crate or cardboard box. I just thought particularly with the Good Samaritan and the question, who is my brother and my interest in the homeless. Also Bryants ministry to the homeless makes that reference appealing to me.

I thought of the Prodigal Son in a crate and I think even if I frame or contain the image it will remain strong and that it will show that we can limit God, but His love is so appealing, it can't be diminshed by us.

I had these thoughts while I passed under the trees at the place where God Speaks to Me. And I cried because I know as I passed through the spot He spoke to me very, very clearly about the art work.

He also spoke to me during the lecture. More on that later.

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