Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ohio Photography Show

While visiting Dayton I decided to check out some local art. A new show opened at the Dayton Visual Arts Center featuring Ohio Photographers. I thought that would be a show of interest. The show was organized by the Massillon Museum of Art, a traveling exhibit called "In the Garden." 

The purpose of the  MVAC is to promote area artists through shows, arts talks and art auctions. They also help connect area artists with galleries and collector who are interested in contemporary art.  The space is small, one gallery room, still the art was generously displayed. 

I enjoyed the diversity of art presented; from platinum photography to archival inkjet on rice paper. The most unusual process was xray. The rice paper prints were my favorite because they resembled Japanese block prints. They were an unexpected find. 

Since the show was exhibited in a contemporary art setting I wasn't surprised to find some but not all of the work digitally manipulated. I thought the results, the brilliant color and painterly quality of the work justified the process. 

The subject matter followed along the of the shows title "In the Garden." Since I have never met a plant I did not like, in its entirety I enjoyed the exhibit. 

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