Monday, January 19, 2009


Started the process for my mixed media art for the PCPC Artfestival 2009 entry. Bryant showed up tonight and so I had him pose with Scott for the portrait part of the Good Samaritan. We were trying to decide who should be who. It was dinner time and Bryant asked Scott for some food. Scott said "NO." He was giving Bryant a hard time, but that clinched it, Bryant is the merciful stranger and Scott, well, he needed to be beat up.

Who is my brother? Well, they sure act like they are brothers. I kept telling Bryant, "get closer, like you are going to whisper in his ear."

Next I will enlarge the photo to the size I want it and trace a fine outline. If I can use a light table I am happy. This gives me good placement. Scott says I cheat. It feels a little like coloring to me, but I have to remember most people cannot do it not matter what they trace.

Last years rendering... Tomorrow night the Prodigal Son photo shoot.

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