Monday, November 2, 2009

I really am painting....

I am just not blogging about it. I guess I need to post pictures. This 3rd painting I have a strong emotional attachment to the subject and it isn't coming together yet, so I have not posted. I also recall I have not posted what John said on my critique. (OR, more likely I don't read my own blog!) I have been working on fixing some of what he suggested.

I discovered green dries slower than red.

I have been working on finishing the series RED. I should get up and photograph them too. I will later. (I need to eat a snack and do the website)

Painting four is now painting five and will come about when it is ready. But I like the idea a lot and interestingly enough God showed me exactly what He had in mind. I just need to capture it with the camera first. That may take some time and patience, but will be worth waiting for.

So I have a new number four. It is called Faith walk. It is a portrait of me after I had made a decision about a relationship, had it go bad and then turn around. It is just me smiling at the future. (Is that cryptic enough or I am in trouble?)

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