Thursday, October 8, 2009


Signs and Wonders

Rise up and Walk

I met with John today with my first two paintings. He likes them. There are some problems with them, but nothing that can't be fixed. I have a direction. He says keep painting, you are good, soon you will have it down.
I have to read from Art In America. One artist each month. Then as much as I want of "obscure artists [of faith]. I tried.
He liked Signs and Wonders the best. He said the aura which represents Christ becomes the subject of the painting. How cool is that? I couldn't have done that if I tried. We talked about the need for excellence when someone tries to depict their faith, to do otherwise is taking God's name in vain. I agree, I would like to see Christian artist go for excellence. That is what the movement in the church among artists is all about. Glorify God with beauty and excellence. It is nice to hear it from an unbeliever who gets it.
We talked about our lives a bit and how we have come out of hard times, the theme of painting Rise up and Walk. John was glad I am doing better and am on the other side of hardship. He is too.

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