Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Art Rag

My art blog isn’t all I wanted it to be. I have art blog block. I know this is rare and probably not a real problem, but I realized tonight I want to learn to write about art and I get writing about art block. I guess I think I don’t know how or I shouldn’t. There is a language that goes with art. I do speak it, maybe not fluently but I do speak it. Painterly, is my favorite art word at least for now. You know how I am about favorites of anything. I love all the colors. Maybe I lean towards red for while, then blue, brown… who knows what's next? I think it will be black and white art for awhile.

However, this weekend when I went gallery gawking with Brenda I noticed a new trend. Colorful art just like the fashions right now are very, very colorful. And also painting that had a varnish finish, very thick high gloss like an epoxy. Everything shined. I didn’t like it. It looked too Miami. And I know what I am talking about.

Another trend which I did like was the paintings that were done on wood especially an artist named Mark Smith at the Craighead Green Gallery. Check him. Brenda and I fell in love with his work.

Update on my submission. I forgot to pick up my canvas at Kinkos tonight. I ordered a canvas and a watercolor paper print. We will see which one works. I hope they turned out, you never know with Kinkos. (Kinkos is a bad word where I work.)

At work I am actually doing design, as in sketching and then rending in Illustrator. I got into a really interesting place before I had to leave today. I am working on a logo for a church’s capital campaign. The best part is I did this all in front on my boss and she was kind of amazed. Like I was on the light table sketching, then I drew it in illustrator and I was changing the line width and color and adding textures and she doesn’t know people can do these things. Then I tell her where I got the idea; from listening to the lady talk and looking at the architecture of the building and send the lady font samples and asking which one she likes and “look” like her church. People can’t give me a font, but they can choose one that is selected and they know if something fits or not. I know how to work with people.

My biggest frustration with work has always been people under estimating what I can do and not giving me a chance to do things. There I said it. I love the design process. One on my most favorite things was when I made mini quilts. I sometimes got to design them for other people. I would meet the ladies at a fabric store and pick out fabric and talking about motifs and sized and who the piece was for and all. I listen to people then I create. I learn about them and then I design. It isn’t so much about me as it is expressing something artistically for another person.

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