Thursday, April 2, 2009

Flower and things I love

Just recently a woman who I used to mentor asked me via Facebook to do a bluebonnet portrait of her daughters. I am looking for a good spot this year, the wildflowers have just starting to come out. I am very jazzed about this on several levels. I have not seen my friend in two years. She is very brave in letting me do this. We had left our friendship on pause at my request; I thought it was best to cut all connections. But I told her that it wasn’t forever, but for a season. So it is spring and the wildflowers are getting ready to dazzle us and I am renewing a friendship. That is a beautiful thing. Her youngest modeled for me once for a sermon cover. I have a copy of it framed that I have been waiting to give my friend for two years.

The portraits will become part of the portrait project I am doing in order to become just that a portrait photographer and painter. Some of the portrait project will become art. I just don’t know what yet.

Anyone else who would like to be a part of this, contact me. We will set up a date.
I love flowers and I love spring and I am sharing the best of last Saturday’s find.

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