Tuesday, May 26, 2009


YesterdayToday Ambitious
Tired out.
I did smear paint. Hummmppp!

Friday, May 1, 2009

I will get back to the Nasher

I won first place in the Park Cities Presbyterian Church Art Festival. I have been writing a lot about being an artist. I have been telling people I am an artist. I know that probably seems vain, or unnecessarily. But I need to. Because I am becoming that, and I don't feel like I am there. But I did Saturday. And I feel an obligation to continue this journey, because it seems like an open door.

I want to do art ministry, this will help me.

So many things are happening to me, some apparent, all in process but much in the background for now. There are things I want to tell everyone about, but not yet. I am trying to adjust to my new life, it is good. Very good.

I just want to say, I am very, grateful to Jesus who never left my side and reminded me that He called me. Now that there is some evidence of that, people have to admit it. I tell you He has been at work. He was there when I could only roll up in a ball and cry in bed. He did not leave me there. He is faithful and good. My next art piece is about being raised up from depression into joy and fullfillment. It is about worship.

What I saw after my name was called in a church full of people was me in the fetal postition having been stricken over and over and knowing that Jesus brought me to that place that night. Now that is art.

It wasn't enough that I won the award, my art was used in worship at my church and at Park Cities. I think He just wanted to drive home the point. I was honored. Deeply honored and I want to say thank you Lord.